While you were sleeping, all the data on your computer, phone, social media accounts have been stored at a distant location. Trust me when I tell you this is for your safety. Come on. You trust me don't you? How would you like someone snooping into your phone conversations, text messages, mails and basically your entire life? Scary right? But aren't we all doing the same thing?
We are all online all the time, armed with the hitech smart phones that have cameras which you would willingly pose, send mails on, post pics to instagram, facebook, twitter and many other places where it is easy to retrieve and use for malicious purposes. I am not scaring you but am just exposing the fact. Remember you are not a data point, you are a real person and trust me you would like to remain human. I don't have anything against being active online, I am very active too but always have the human in you remain alive. Draw a line between what you want to share and what not. Stay away from being a compulsive social media member. Stay alive as staying alive is awesome and it is not just necessary to post everything online but to enjoy it while it is live.