Google+ Positive Psychologist: 2022


Friday, November 25, 2022

Zero Mile Nagpur


Zero Mile is a prominent landmark located in the bustling city of Nagpur, Maharashtra. As a traveler, I was excited to visit this unique and historically significant site. I was amazed to learn that Zero Mile marks the geographical center of India, which made it a must-visit destination for me.

Upon arriving at Zero Mile, I was struck by the stunning architecture and the grandeur of the monument. It was evident that the design and construction of this landmark were a tribute to the rich history and culture of India. The impressive pillars and intricate carvings that adorned the monument were simply breathtaking.

As I stood there, taking in the beauty of the monument, I couldn't help but feel a sense of pride and awe. I felt a deep connection to the rich history and heritage of India, which was embodied in the grandeur of Zero Mile.

The area around Zero Mile was equally captivating, with bustling streets and colorful marketplaces. It was an exciting and vibrant place to be, and I felt invigorated by the energy of the city. The locals were friendly and welcoming, and I enjoyed interacting with them and learning more about their culture.

Visiting Zero Mile in Nagpur was an unforgettable experience for me. The grandeur and significance of the monument, combined with the lively energy of the city, made for a truly memorable visit. It was a humbling reminder of the rich history and heritage of India, and I felt privileged to have had the opportunity to visit this iconic landmark.

Saturday, October 29, 2022

Leadership in the face of adversity

We are in turbulent times and finding the right partners in your entrepreneurial journey is tough. When you are going through tough times, I always encourage you to read and find solace in your favorite books. Mine is the Bible and here is what I am reading today.

The story of Joshua in the Bible is a powerful example of leadership in the face of adversity. Here are some leadership lessons that modern sales leaders can learn from Joshua:

Be Courageous: Joshua was tasked with leading the Israelites into the Promised Land, a daunting challenge given the strength of the enemy armies they would face. Despite the odds, Joshua demonstrated incredible courage, inspiring his people to follow him into battle. As a sales leader, you may face similarly daunting challenges, but by demonstrating courage, you can inspire your team to take on any obstacle.

Have a Clear Vision: Joshua had a clear vision of the Promised Land and the steps needed to get there. He communicated this vision to his people, providing them with a sense of purpose and direction. As a sales leader, it is important to have a clear vision of your goals and communicate them effectively to your team. This will help them stay focused and motivated, even in the face of setbacks.

Build Strong Relationships: Joshua understood the importance of building strong relationships with his team and his allies. He worked closely with his advisors and trusted lieutenants, and he forged alliances with neighboring tribes to help secure his position. As a sales leader, it is important to build strong relationships with your team, your customers, and your partners. This will help you build trust and create a culture of collaboration and teamwork.

Stay Humble: Despite his many successes, Joshua remained humble and maintained a deep reverence for God. He recognized that his accomplishments were only possible because of divine intervention, and he never let his success go to his head. As a sales leader, it is important to stay humble and acknowledge the contributions of your team and others who have helped you along the way. This will help you maintain perspective and remain grounded, even as you achieve great success.

By following these leadership lessons from the life of Joshua, modern sales leaders can inspire their teams, achieve their goals, and create a culture of excellence and success.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

What's your auqaat?


As we are restructuring our team of sales leaders, many ask me as to what are the traits I look for in a colleague who would have my back as a superstar. Here are my thoughts.

If you're working in a fast-paced health-tech firm, you know that things can change in the blink of an eye. To thrive in this environment, you need to have certain traits that will help you stay on top of things and succeed.

Adaptability: The first trait you must have to survive in a fast-paced health-tech firm is adaptability. This means being able to adjust to new situations and changing circumstances quickly and with ease. In the health-tech industry, new technologies and innovations are constantly emerging, and you need to be able to keep up with them. The ability to pivot and adapt to changing conditions is essential for success.

Resilience: The second trait you need to have is resilience. In a fast-paced environment, things can get stressful and overwhelming. You may face setbacks or failures, and you need to be able to bounce back from them quickly. Resilience means having the mental toughness and grit to keep going, even when things are tough. It's important to be able to stay focused on your goals and keep pushing forward, no matter what.

Collaboration: The third trait you must have is collaboration. In a fast-paced health-tech firm, you'll be working with a lot of different people, from engineers to designers to marketing experts. Being able to work well with others and collaborate effectively is crucial. You need to be able to communicate clearly, share ideas, and work together to solve problems. This means being open to feedback, listening to others, and being a team player.

So there you have it: adaptability, resilience, and collaboration. If you have these traits, you'll be well-equipped to succeed in a fast-paced health-tech firm. Remember, these are not just traits that you're born with; they can be developed and cultivated over time with practice and effort. If you have these qualities, write to us and we would love to explore an opportunity to have you on our team. You'll be sure to thrive in the ever-changing world of health-tech!

Tuesday, August 23, 2022

Hustle away - keep running

Greetings, fellow hustlers! Today, I want to talk to you about the power of effort, and how it can help us achieve our goals.

Now, I know what you're thinking. "I'm not smart enough to achieve my dreams." But let me tell you, intelligence isn't everything. In fact, some of the most successful people in the world are those who work the hardest, not necessarily those with the highest IQ.

Think about it: when was the last time you achieved something great without putting in any effort? Probably never. That's because hard work is the key to success, not just intelligence.

And the best part is, hard work is something we can all do, regardless of our IQ. It's not about being the smartest person in the room, but about being the most dedicated and persistent.

So, how can we cultivate a stronger work ethic? Here are a few tips:

First, set clear goals. Write down what you want to achieve, and make a plan to get there. Having a clear direction will help you stay motivated and focused.

Second, break down big tasks into smaller ones. It's easier to tackle a project in bite-sized chunks than to try to do it all at once. Plus, you'll feel a sense of accomplishment each time you complete a task, which will keep you motivated.

Third, take breaks. It may seem counterintuitive, but taking breaks actually helps you work more efficiently. When you give your brain a chance to rest and recharge, you'll be able to come back to your work with renewed energy and focus.

Finally, reward yourself. Celebrate your successes, no matter how small. Treat yourself to a favorite snack or activity, or take some time to relax and unwind. You deserve it!

Remember, hard work beats talent when talent doesn't work hard. By setting clear goals, breaking down big tasks, taking breaks, and rewarding yourself, you can cultivate a stronger work ethic and achieve great things. So, let's roll up our sleeves and keep hustling!

Saturday, August 13, 2022

Build your network - not just sales


As a sales leader, you know that building strong relationships with your customers is essential to driving sales. But what about the leaders in other organizations? Can building relationships with them be just as important?

Absolutely! The power of networks cannot be overstated, and the relationships you build with leaders in other organizations can have a significant impact on your success.

For one, these relationships can help you learn about new trends and developments in your industry. By networking with other leaders, you can gain valuable insights into the challenges they're facing, the solutions they're using, and the strategies that are working for them. This knowledge can help you stay ahead of the curve and adapt your sales approach to better meet the needs of your customers.

Moreover, building relationships with other leaders can help you expand your customer base. As you get to know other leaders, they may introduce you to potential customers who could benefit from your products or services. These introductions can be invaluable, as they come from a trusted source and can help you establish credibility with new customers.

But how do you go about building these relationships? The key is to be authentic and genuine. Start by attending industry events and conferences, where you can meet other leaders and engage in meaningful conversations. Don't be afraid to ask questions and share your own experiences, as this can help you build rapport and establish a connection.

You can also use social media to build your network. Connect with other leaders on LinkedIn and Twitter, and engage with their posts and content. By participating in conversations and sharing your own insights, you can demonstrate your expertise and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry.

Finally, be sure to follow up with the leaders you meet and stay in touch. Send a friendly email or message to say thank you for the conversation, and ask if they would like to grab coffee or lunch sometime. By staying connected, you can continue to build your relationship over time and unlock new opportunities for your business.

Building relationships with leaders in other organizations is a powerful way to drive sales and stay ahead of the competition. By leveraging the power of networks, you can gain valuable insights, expand your customer base, and establish yourself as a thought leader in your industry. So get out there and start networking today!

Thursday, July 21, 2022

Five tips to increase the speed of your MacBook Air

One of the things that slows me down is when my macbook air starts slacking. Here are 5 tips that can change that for you. 

  1. Say "bye-bye" to your desktop wallpaper: Yes, that breathtaking mountain range wallpaper may be easy on the eyes, but it's also slowing down your MacBook Air. Get rid of that desktop wallpaper, or change it to a solid color to help your Mac run faster.

  2. Give your Mac some space: I know it's tempting to keep all of your 90's music playlists and cat videos on your MacBook Air, but hoarding all that data will only make your Mac crawl like a snail. So, free up some space by deleting unnecessary files, and store the rest on an external hard drive.

  3. Close those tabs: Are you the kind of person who keeps dozens of tabs open at once? Well, that's just like inviting all of your friends over to your house party when it's just you who's there. Close those tabs you're not using, and let your Mac breathe!

  4. Stop those background apps: Your MacBook Air has a lot of programs running in the background, which can seriously slow it down. So, make sure to check your Activity Monitor regularly and quit those background apps that you're not using. Your Mac will thank you.

  5. Give your Mac a break: Just like how you need a break from work, your MacBook Air needs a break from time to time too. Shut it down and give it a good night's sleep, or put it in hibernation mode when you're not using it. A rested Mac is a faster Mac!
Tell me if these worked and if you have a better trick, tell me too!

Monday, July 18, 2022

Monday Blues: Blow them away

 As a sales leader in the health tech industry, I understand the importance of starting the week off on the right foot. Mondays can be tough, but with the right mindset and approach, you can beat the so-called "Monday blues" and set yourself up for a successful week.

The first step in beating the Monday blues is to prioritize your well-being. It's important to take care of yourself, both physically and mentally. This might mean starting your day with some light exercise or meditation to help clear your mind and energize your body. Make sure to eat a nutritious breakfast and hydrate throughout the day. By taking care of yourself, you'll have the energy and focus you need to tackle whatever challenges come your way.

Another important factor in beating the Monday blues is staying organized. Set aside time on Friday afternoon or over the weekend to review your to-do list for the upcoming week. Prioritize your tasks based on importance and urgency, and make a plan for how you'll tackle them. By starting the week with a clear plan, you'll feel more in control and less overwhelmed.

It's also important to stay positive and maintain a growth mindset. Remember that every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow. Instead of focusing on what could go wrong, focus on what you can do to make things go right. Set goals for yourself and celebrate your progress along the way. By staying positive and focusing on growth, you'll be more resilient in the face of adversity.

Finally, don't be afraid to ask for help when you need it. As a sales leader, I know the importance of collaboration and teamwork. If you're feeling overwhelmed or stuck on a particular task, reach out to a colleague for help or advice. Working together, you'll be able to accomplish more than you would on your own.

Beating the Monday blues is all about prioritizing your well-being, staying organized, maintaining a positive mindset, and working together with your colleagues. With these strategies in mind, you can start your week off on the right foot and set yourself up for success. 

Remember, every day is a new opportunity to learn and grow, so embrace the challenges and make the most of every moment.

Monday, June 27, 2022

Prepare yourself

 You think of a best-case scenario.

Two out of five workday mornings your drive to work takes 20 minutes. But three out of five days? It takes 60 minutes. You need to plan for 60.

Build for the worst case scenario. If it could break, it would. So, build your service to live up to that.


Friday, March 4, 2022

Spend Meaningful Time With Family

 Had a chance to speak to two of my close friends lost their loved ones recently.

One lost her dad and has been working really hard to make ends meet. With the pandemic hitting all the finances, she has been spending more time than she wished to at work. Thankfully, she has been able to spend some quality time with her mom and dad in the last two years. She cherished her time with a smile and was glad she could do that - build memories. 

Another friend lost her mom to Covid in the second wave and as travel was banned, she couldn't fly back to India while her mom fought Covid, loneliness and finally lost her life in the ICU. All this lasted about 20 days and was a nightmare for the family. There aren't enough words to describe the agony the family went thorough talking to everyone possible to ensure aunty was comfortable. 

We don't know how much time we have left to spend on this planet. While chasing dreams, goals and passion is always a good thing, it is important that you maintain the relationships, care for people who love you and find opportunities to show gratitude, find joy. Do not compromise on this one goal.

Spend meaningful time with your family, especially parents, grand parents, children. Make memories, have discussions, listen to them talk, recount the same thing again and again - when you have the chance. Make time for that chance.

Share this with that friend/sibling/loved ones who need to hear this.

@TalkToTiger #PositivePsychology #Familytime #Listenmore #PracticeGratitude  

Monday, February 28, 2022

Monday blues: Knock Knock

Open doors do not mean absence of problems and oppositions. In fact they often go together! Some doors will appear closed. Closed doors do not mean locked doors. All you need to do is knock. So this week don't think you do not have a chance take it up once again and try. May be this door is not locked. Happy Monday!

Monday, February 21, 2022

Go through chaos with a smile

Our everyday lives can be full of anxiety and worry. And in extraordinary times, it can be hard not to feel the stress intensely.

Proverbs 12:25 “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs him down, but a good word makes him glad.”

Today, I want to encourage you to pull yourself up and take comfort that you are not made weak. You are designed to do great things, and in the path to do so, you may find lows and troughs that might seem to suck you down. Do not consider them as pain and suffering. Embrace them and treat at them as lessons to encourage you.

Only a person who goes through chaos would be able to handle the challenges well. Wear your scars and move forward. You should not just survive but win. Do not let this pull you down. 

If you need to talk or want someone to listen, reach out to a friend, mentor or inbox me. 

Always ready to listen. Coffee?

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Monday Blues: Can Music Give You hope?

Music is one of the purest forms of emotions, and the artists use their talents to produce harmonies, rhythms, and songs that communicate directly with everyone's soul. The lyrics of the music created by your favorite artists do not tell just their stories, but yours and everyone are as well. You get to relate to their lyrics and then attach a piece of memory, emotion, or an idea to the songs you hear. Musicians work hard to create unique lyrics that can inspire everyone to think deeply about the blue planet, their part in it, and the things they can do to make it a lot better.

How Can Music Improve An Individual's Life?

Music has the power to express emotions and feelings in such a way, which words cannot explain. It also has a physical, visceral quality that instantly moves the spirit, mind, and body. It's so powerful that artists like Chris Jacobs spend their whole life creating and producing them.

Chris Jacobs is also one of those artists who recently became a part of a national non-profit, allowing artists to record songs based on the stories written by children. The main goal of this non-profit is to create powerful collaborations between children and entertainers.

These types of collaboration are highly beneficial for children. When children hear a song, which is based on the story they created, it will have a massive impact on them.

Even the simple of joy realizing that someone took the time to write a song based on their story gives them the courage and confidence to improve their creativity and imagination. These two things play a massive role in a child's health, and such events can surely help them move forward and do great things.

How Are Musicians Helping Communities?

Artists who created extraordinary and beautiful music inspire everyone with their art. But they inspire everyone through their actions as well. They offer their love and support to the communities who gave them so much when they were still young and helped them become into stars they are today.

For instance, Academy Award Winner Zac Brown completed a facility that will host children with emotional and social challenges during the summer. The facility will allow these children to engage in arts activities and athletics safely and securely.

Also, when the camp or facility is not conducting any events or activities, it is used by the military non-profits to offer aid to families who are experiencing post-deployment problems, such as PTSD. Rapper Chance has also been giving a lot to the community with his actions.

He created a foundation that offers youth education initiatives in this home city, Chicago. This foundation was created to give courage and inspire all the inner-city children to become leaders in their communities and schools.

Reasons That Makes Music An Important Part Of Everyone's Life

Even though music can uplift your mood, give you courage, and build your confidence, there are several other reasons it's important. Look below!

  Universal Language: Music stands out as a universal language as people do not require words to understand what type of music is being played.

   The Ambiance: Music has the power to create ambiance as it helps in adding to the experience of the things you are doing.

    It Unites: Music plays an essential role in bringing everyone together. Whether it's a club night, festival, or concert, everyone comes together to enjoy the music is being played.

 Focus: when you have some work to do, and you are experiencing some problems concentrating, turn on music in the background to focus properly.

Music is a balm to the soul

Music can do incredible things in an individual's life. It can inspire, give strength and also give a lot of courage. Music is a powerful thing that connects people across the globe, and artists do their best to convey a message of hope, love, and support to everyone through their lyrics.

Monday, February 14, 2022

Monday Blues: Can positive attitude lead to success?

Can we push ourselves towards success by maintaining a positive attitude? Studies in the recent times point out to that effect. 

Did you know that people suffering from mental health issues have 6 times higher mortality rate than others? 

If they are identified and diagnosed on time, with help, we can bring people out of depression and help cope up with mental issues. Whatever the issue is - job, money, relationship, education, failure, health, just talk it out. Maintain a gratiude attitude and talk to someone who can help you.

Here are some easy ways to stay motivated, especially in these tough times we are going through. 

  • Keep A Gratitude Diary: When you have a gratitude journal beside you, it will give you the chance to jot down all the things you are grateful for. You can write about things that you like and how lucky you are that it exists. Doing so will surely bring a lot of happiness. 
  • Eat Healthy: A study has provided evidence that consuming a regular proportion of vegetables and fresh fruits can improve mental well-being. When your mental state improves, you will surely feel a lot happier than before. 
  • Moving Your Body: Conducting cardiovascular exercises regularly is viewed as one of the best antidepressants of all time. You can also transform your regular exercise or a workout into a social experience like playing some sport rather than walking alone. Playing basketball, golfing, soccer can surely keep you in good shape and also increase your happiness. 
  • Social Connectedness: Communicating or interacting with people will surely make you feel happier. You will get the chance to learn new things, discuss important topics and get to share opinions and advice with others. You will not just gain happiness, but it will make you feel a lot more energetic and confident. 
  • Being Cheerful: Visualizing all the positive outcomes and circumstances will surely increase your happiness. This is ideal for all those individuals who aim to fulfill a new objective or goal. 
  • Using Your Strength: You must identify all the strengths and commit so that you can use them in brand-new ways. Doing so will allow you to gain a lot of happiness, which will also increase your chances of becoming successful in the things you do. 
  • Be Kind or Humble: Showing kindness is one of the best ways to become happy in life. When you help someone, giving support and love will also help in your own sense of well-being. This will ultimately lead towards happiness. 

Happiness is something that you can easily achieve through many things. Being kind and cheerful will surely allow you to stay happier. Eating healthy food products and doing some exercise or playing sports can also increase happiness. When you feel happy, it becomes easier for you to gain success in life.

Saturday, February 5, 2022

Monday Blues: Thriving in Chaos

Being a leader when things are working our fine is something we are always good at. We celebrate success more than what we should be doing and we mourn failure more than what it deserves too. 

As human beings, we have a desire for certainty and routine that keeps us feeling safe and able to plan what lies ahead in an organized manner. 

When unpredictable situations or accidents impact us, it can be traumatic, and we will likely feel a sense of disappointment, frustration, and loss.

If someone is going through a hard time, especially when things take a different turn from what is expected, it is not 100% about what the person could/should have done but more about how they recover. As a generation that has spent more time in front of non-living things - television, computer, phone, factory machinery, we must question ourselves about something really important. 

Are we slowly turning more apathetic to other human beings? Are we being too judgemental like the robotic voice of big-boss that makes livings a circus where you are just being judged all the time?

Is failure really a failure? Is it for now or for life? 

Is success for life or it is just a phase of life?

How do you determine, if a person can do or cannot do certain things? Is it worth taking a risk about something just by their past or a single mistake or success? 

Are we trying to take decisions based on certain qualities or how you feel about someone rather than simply relying on their past? I urge you to be open to possibilities. 

May be you would see a day when your bet pays off. If not, you can still learn from that.

Only a person who went through chaos can really have a fighting chance to survive in it. 

#BeOpen #OpenDoors #GiveChances #Takeupachallenge #MondayBlues #PositivePsychologist @Talktotiger  

Monday, January 31, 2022

Monday Blues - How do you handle stress?

While it is easy to sit in a comfortable place and advice, it can be really painful when you don't know how to handle it. Some of the skills we don't teach children and even students in good schools are related to emotional health. Handling stress is one of the most needed skills in today's time. Don't you think so?

Positive Psychologist Vamshi Krishna

Stress is real

I have spoken to many people who handle stress daily about how they live with it. Some of the worse situations make people feel suffocated, triggering headaches that last more than 2-3 days and even blur out their eyesight for some time. That can be an extremely painful experience unless handled professionally. 

If you are someone who is going through these tough times, definitely speak about it to your loved ones and see a professional who can help you with coping with the pressure. There is no shame in seeking help when you need it. Remember that your family and loved ones need you. Talk to someone today.

Here are a few tips that can help you manage the pressure at work or otherwise.

  • Listen to good music - soul-lifting, calming, rock, devotional - whatever helps you.
  • Eat healthy, light and take good care of your body and mind
  • Spend time meditating - practice calmness, mindfulness, forgiving
  • Get some good sleep - try and get to bed at a fixed time. Good quality sleep helps
  • Walk - when angry, tired, stressed out, thinking, or on a phone call, step out and take a stroll
  • Practice gratitude - be thankful for what you have, how lucky we are!
  • Spend time with kids, family, friends, pets, plants and do whatever makes you joyful
  • Laugh more - find occasions to laugh, smile

Want to add more to this list? Comment below and tag the person who needs to take a chill pill.

#TalkToTiger #PositivePsychologist #Stressbuster #MentalHealth

Friday, January 14, 2022

5 Best Ads for Diwali 2021

 Diwali is a special occasion, which is celebrated across India and the world. The "Festival Of Lights" brings all family members together to make the event memorable and unique.  

You will also find your TV screen bombarded with various Diwali-related advertisements about clothes, jewelry, food, and other things. Even though these ads are created to encourage you to spend your money, not all of them. 

You will surely come across some advertisements that carry messages that are worth taking note of. Here, in this article, you will learn about some unique and beautiful ads that you must take a look at this year's Diwali. So, let's dig in. 

1. Amazon – This Diwali, Let's #DeliverThatLove!

This particular advertisement from Amazon is worth watching this Diwali 2021. It's pretty meaningful, and the ad celebrates the familial bonds that people make when they are far away from home, along the way as everyone lives their lives. The ad shows that a mother and son duo drive 50km together to deliver a very special family. The teen son doesn't show much interest when it comes to delivering one specific gift. But in the end, his mother's insistence leads towards an unexpected but joyful reunion. The advertisement is meaningful as it helps in teaching a valuable lesson.  

2. Vivo – Celebrate The #JoyofHomecoming! 

Vivo has always been unique and outstanding when it came to making advertisements for festivals or other events. But the company's Diwali advertisement features Kanwaljit Singh, who suffers from the empty nest syndrome. He also plays the father of three children. In the advertisement, Kanwaljit Singh is forced to reside within a massive mansion with empty rooms as the moment with all his three children becomes limited through the video calls. This particular advertisement is pretty emotional, and it will surely bring tears into your eyes.  

3. RealMe - #HopeForGreatThings

Losing someone close to you and with whom you have so many memories can be heartbreaking. This advertisement from RealMe is all about that. The ad shows a young boy who mourns the loss of his grandfather, with whom he shares a unique and special bond. He completely withdraws into himself, but his Diwali ends on a high note thanks to some unexpected turn of events. The concept of the ad is surely emotional, and it's currently one of the best ads that you must watch this Diwali.  

4. Eicher Trucks And Buses – Yaaron Ki Diwali

This advertisement from Eicher Trucks and Buses is educational and informative. The advertisement is a way through which it weaves friendship into an individual's journey on the highway. The advertisement completely discourages drunk driving so that the chances of accidents don't take place when people drive on the highway. The advertisement carries a lot of meaning behind its existence, and its ideal for those individuals who frequently travel on a highway. 

5. Vodafone – Never Alone 

Spending Diwali alone can be pretty boring and saddening at the same time. But you will not feel that way to anyone if you watch this advertisement from Vodafone, which the company made especially for Diwali. The advertisement shows that no matter where you are, you can still get the chance to celebrate Diwali with your loved ones through Vodafone. This advertisement is filled with happiness, and you will surely like it once you watch it.  

Final Thoughts 

You will surely come across many Diwali-related advertisements on television and the Internet, but the ones mentioned in this article are worth checking out. They are informative, educational, emotional, and do teach something pretty meaningful. Make sure to check out these advertisements and make your Diwali a unique one. 

Friday, January 7, 2022

Chill bro!

Once in a while, relax. Don't be a perfectionist. I do not want you to be that strict, uncompromising, cleanliness freak that you are and relax.

Not everyone carries your energy levels and cannot compete being at your level all the time. You need to understand that you carry a higher level of energy and are okay with it, but when you have a team, family, colleagues, support staff who don't always be on that level. So it is good for you to calm down a bit today.

Give some leeway. Let it be, just for today. It is okay. Say it loud. Yes, you say it loud. It is okay. Thank you.

So, skip being an autocratic person and be a normal one today. It is okay. Have a great Monday.

#TalkToTiger #PositivePsychologist #motivationalpost

Thursday, January 6, 2022

Stop your excuse and get going!

One afternoon in October 1931 Amy Carmichael (1861-1951) fell and broke a leg and dislocated an ankle. Despite suffering from neuralgia which, added to her thirty-six years of unbroken service in India, left her an invalid for the rest of her life.

Yet from her bed — often lying completely flat — she continued her ministry of rescuing temple girls in Dohnavur, South India. She kept in touch with the outside world through her correspondence and, with help, wrote thousands of letters.

Already the author of many books, she wrote a further thirteen books during this period, as well as revising her other titles and producing more poetry.

What is your excuse? Get going.

#TalkToTiger #PositivePsychologist #motivationalpost

Tuesday, January 4, 2022

Choose Nature's Kingdom

Have you noticed the changes happening around you? What do you see? 

Let me state the obvious facts which we have been ignoring for a long time. According to the study conducted by the Indian Institute of Science, (1973-2014), Bengaluru city has noticed a loss of 78% of its vegetation and around 79% depletion of water bodies. 

Once called the city of lakes is now having a hard time keeping its lakes from contamination. The rapid decrease in the green cover of the city is alarming too. 

Where, there should be 8 trees per person, in Bengaluru there is only one tree for 7 people. The number of trees left in the city are not being able to handle the carbon dioxide, giving way to air borne disease. 

One of the reasons, for the rise in the CO2 level, is rise in the production of vehicles. Bengaluru city is also known for its bad traffic management. Almost 80% of the people we surveyed had complaints against the increase in the traffic in the city. 

While filling the form they remembered the old days where there was way less traffic and a safe pathway for pedestrians. 

This article is not about pointing fingers but coming up with solutions for the betterment of the city, for the betterment of our home. 

Bengaluru is the city that we all love and by living in the city despite its flaws is a big-enough reason to be more passionate, more conscious and sometimes a little aggressive when it comes to maintaining, freeing it from the pollution infection. 

This is where Nature's Kingdom comes in place. It’s a project planned with ‘being sustainable’ in mind. One of the main aims of this community is to provide conscious, sustainable and a happy living. It is designed is a way to tackle, if not all but some, major issues faced by Bengaluru in today’s time. It is guaranteed that people of any generations can come and link themselves in this way of living. 

The roads in Nature's Kingdom are planned and constructed in such a way that it helps in conserving water by collecting the rain water.  

This community promotes the art of biophilic living, which means there would be a good number of trees and vegetation all around to provide good quality of air. All the amenities are at a walkable distance to promote a healthy life and a sustainable one too.   

Want to know more? Connect with our team today

What is your style?

For ages most of the general population have followed and worn dresses from what a select few have chosen every year. These fashion designers, masters, tailors, gurus have always looked at finding out what trends are catching up and how they can guess it before it hits the market. Some even went of elaborate plans to make a particular fashion a hit. In India Karan Johar is known to have introduced GAP hoodies and tees to the teenage audience through the film Dil Wale Dulhania Le Jayenge so much that everyone from the fruit and vegetable vendor to the guy on a Yamaha bike were wearing counterfeit tees without knowing that the original brand GAP was non-existent in India at that time!

Trends come and trends go. You stay the same! The fashion police look down upon and sneer about the choices that many people think are cool and have glorified horrible looking selection as well. I have always, reiterating the word - always, had my own fashion and have been comfortable in being so. Very few times, I liked what was being thrust on to me as a fashion trend we cannot miss and hence the style has become the same almost all these years. I am glad I did stick to a particular style that remained with me so much as I have always been photographed or seen on the same trend - my trend. 

My choice of fashion has two main reasons:
  1. Is it comfortable?
  2. Is it made from good material?
Simple huh? Well! not for many people. Some people have closets that are much bigger than the one in Chronicles of Narnia! And yet have always wondered what they should be wearing. I have heard and read a lot of people talking about the body shapes and stuff but don't you think it is too much to think of? While I always want you to be fit and healthy so you would live longer (Isn't that the idea?), I would recommend you take the trends off your chest for a while and look at life more easily and make things less complicated. Wear whatever your heart tells you to. Make sure YOU are comfortable. Don't bother about what others think. What they would say. Worry about you being presentable and being nice and don't give everything else a damn! You look best when you are happy and comfortable. Just make sure you have a smile on your face when you step out. You are mint new!

Having said that, I have had my share of suits and boots and have rocked them too. Sometimes mom wanted me to look so (on my graduation), sometimes the occasion demanded so (my wedding being one such occasion). But just can't have then every day.

So choose your fashion choices wisely and go with what you like. Choose your style. Make one that is your own, personal and close to your heart. Something you would be comfortable in and can pull off. I myself like a black tee, blue jeans and sport shoes any day, every day.

Get more fashion advice and tips from here.

“I am participating in the ‘Ready For Rewards’ activity for Rewardme in association with BlogAdda.”

For God's sake, Just do it!


I have seen many people and myself sometimes stay at one point where we are waiting for the best idea to emerge, best design to come up while we sit there and wait till the last minute and then rush into doing things that we are not proud of. You know what I mean, don't you?

Most of the work is tiresome and non-interesting but we got to get through that to get to the interesting stuff. So it is better to start off early and finish the mundane tasks that make our routine and then have time for the creative, productive stuff.

Plan your day and make good use of the plan. Have complete attention in the time you can. Like, have an hour of your best time, morning coffee time in my case, to answer your emails and set out the tasks for the day. In that one hour, don't have anything open on your laptop, have your phone on emergency calls only and focus on completing the task.

Vamshi Krishna A Positive Psychologist

I also would encourage you to pick up the toughest task you have for the day and handle it as the first thing you would do for today. Answering that query, completing the presentation, replying to the client or making that report.

Whatever you usually put off till the last minute, handle that first. Once you do that, you take up the strongest enemy on the table and then you are practically blazing through the rest of the day.

Having a coffee break or a simple stroll during the day also helps. Try it for a week and see how easy your day becomes. So don't keep it pending till the nth hour. Just do it and finish it off.
