Google+ Positive Psychologist: Mumbai attacks real story


Saturday, July 4, 2009

Mumbai attacks real story

The untold story of 2008's terrorist attack on Mumbai last year, in the words of its victims and the gunmen. While most behaviour of media was unacceptably cheap to gain publicity and TRPs, some were good too. This programme contains graphic images and descriptions of the atrocity which may upset some viewers. Produced and directed by award-winning filmmaker Dan Reed, Terror in Mumbai tells the story of what happened when 10 gunmen held one of the world's busiest cities hostage; killing and wounding hundreds of people while holding India's crack security forces at bay.

Featuring footage of the attacks and interviews with senior police officers and hostages, including the testimony from Kasab - the sole surviving gunman, Dispatches reveals what happened, hour by hour, from the perspective of the security forces, the terrorists, their masterminds and the victims.

While it may be chilling and horrific it is reality. Damn the religion, race, nation, hatred. How can anyone do such a thing? Indian Government's response was calculative and decisive but not as strong as people expected it to be. While there is a lot of need to build up strength and scale up measures the question of why us still remains unanswered by the innocent victims and their families. Hope some sanity dawns on them.

Check the complete video here.

1 comment:

SkyLark said...

It hurts a lot to see such people do such acts.
Not sure how to protect ourselves when something like this happens and not sure what to do to such idiots.

One suggestion on a separate note - its good to see different links mentioned in ur blogs, make sure that a new page is opened when ppl click on ur links instead of letting them opened on the same page.

best regards,
