Google+ Positive Psychologist: Think twice before you neglect


Friday, November 28, 2008

Think twice before you neglect

Never think some one as a loser, some one who need not be cared. Never turn away your customers, colleagues, clients.

Jamshedji Tata was turned away from the Grand Watsons and built his own hotel, the Taj Mahal, the one that has been targeted by the terrorists now.

Prof. Sudhir Angur decided to open his own business school when he couldn't find a good business school for a relative in Bangalore and the result is Alliance Business School.

There exists a popular story that a lady in "faded gingham" and a man in a "homespun threadbare suit" went to visit the president of Harvard about making a donation, were rebuffed, and then founded Stanford University.

A hurt customer is worth more than 100 new customers. Same applies to a hurt friend, client, neighbor. Its all about trust and how you treat your not-so-financially-viable customers. Its not about money or present utility always.

Think twice before you turn away some one next time. Who knows you may be working for them later.

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