Google+ Positive Psychologist: Monday Blues: Yes, You Can


Monday, September 27, 2010

Monday Blues: Yes, You Can

Many of the great achievements of the world were accomplished by tired and discouraged men who kept on working. Keep working at what you are and try to improve. Every day.

How do you improve? Read a book/article on your area of expertise. Update yourself on the changes in the field, best practices, read a blog on the topic, start a Google alert on the topic to have the latest updates delivered to your mail, change from good to great.

Once you start transforming, share it with others. Post it on your blog, send a mail to the people you think will care. If it is too good and worth it, make a concise article and pin it to your department notice board. Does it sound too much? Na... I don't think so.

This Monday, remember... Yes, you can.

Ps. The photo is by Julyssa Schenk. She has an amazing talent. Check out her blog here.

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