Google+ Positive Psychologist: Why firms should take twitter seriously


Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Why firms should take twitter seriously

It is simple, easy and so natural to do. This is one of the reasons why Twitter is better than many traditional marketing tools like direct marketing or mailer techniques. On an average 2% of direct mailers respond and about 1% close the sale in the time expected. The scenario is changed with Twitter. On any given tweet about an offer more people respond and this is a voluntary subscription or permission based interaction.

There are people who know what you are and cling to your 140 character thoughts. May be people don't care what you are doing but they DO care about what you can do for them. The possibilities are immeasurable and open. Firms should take this as a cue and spend more time and effort on Twitter or any other online communicating device that sends relevant need based short information that a consumer can use. Surely it would pay back much more than a bill board or leaflet campaign can do. Do I hear superbowl ads being replaced?


Sivaram said...

Its an Online Customer Care Support Center !!!

Unknown said...

Yes Siva...

Almost becoming something like that
