Google+ Positive Psychologist: Harping on the negative


Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Harping on the negative

Buyer Behaviour explains why dissenting brand information is helpful. It is always good to harp a bit on your shortcomings as areas of improvement which will enhance the credibility of the message. I think it is better to have a clear understanding of what is good and what is shortcoming and then let the consumer decide what he should be doing.

The comparative ads about the features of a car has one or two features missing but usually these are non-important ones when compared to the ones on which the brand in question scores over the others.

Wikipedia scrubbing clean, information on Barack Obama may keep negative publicity away from a web page, but it can't quell renewed interest about that very same information in the minds of the average citizenry.

Try and wipe a slate clean and you have more people curious about what was scribbled on, in the first place.

I think Obama is missing this point. There is too much of positive feel that was generated and now with wiki responding in this way its the hit at the credibility. Bush was better at this. He allowed the dissenters to speak up, even make movies like 911, that only told people he was no different but he was doing something to keep them safe. I think over a period of time people will start to realize how bold and progressive his policies were.

1 comment:

SM said...

nice article
