Google+ Positive Psychologist: Chick is U


Monday, October 6, 2008

Chick is U

Chick-lit seems to be the flavour of the season. 20-somethings-looking-for-love, finding the most desirable man who matches all the requirements in the modern world where women call the shots is the formula for a best-seller. Women in this case refer to the working women who need not depend on a husband for the basic amenities, protection and a surname, who earn and have the zeal to fight equally on all grounds. Women who need not stay tied to some bloke, women who can walk out and live on her own, accepted in the society as she is.

I think this is a good sign. Any literature reflects the society's changes. As of now this is a hot topic is about the women staying single. Will the Indian male grow up and accept this and mould and move on or would put up a fight? If this is the case I think he will lose.

Few best-sellers suggested by the recent edition of The Week: Marrying Anita, Almost Single and The Zoya Factor. Some of them are being made in to movies.

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