MJ and myself attended Indiblogger.in meet at Microsoft Embassy Golflinks office, Bangalore last week. The details of the meet and the report are here. About 100 bloggers from different areas of interest in Bangalore attended. Apart from munching pizzas and the unending supply of Coke and Coffee(sponsored by Microsoft along with the venue) there was a good discussion on what is happening on the Blogosphere.
Some good points were:
- Blogging rights
- How to earn money through your blog(I think the discussion veered too much in this direction) On a personal note Blogging should never be for money or at least it shouldn't be the primary motive
- How to host your own domain, advantages and problems in doing so
- One minute to fame(My pic above where I explain about Consumer Psyche)
- Legal implications, content sharing, etc.
- First look at Windows 7, why it is better than the previous versions and saves time and effort ...
It was fun and learning. Good luck Indiblogger.in
Hey noice to know that, You are from ABA. I am also MCA pass out from ABA in 2004.
I am the green t shirt guy in this photo , who is sitting next Vic( the Windows 7 guy).
I agree with some of the points you have mentioned in this article but, totally disagree with the part you said, blogging is not for money only. I have interested to make money from my blog as a reward to my effort. I am a focused blogger and like to build my career as a finance blogger. Do you ready to work for any company for charity, after you pass from the collage? Remember, blogging can be a hobby for someone like you but, it will be a source of income for some others. I don't care whether you liked or disliked this but, most of the bloggers interested to the speech on how make money from blogs.
I don't believe in charity for living in this earth instead, I am in the side with people who really like returns from the work what they are doing or the effort what they are putting.
You may be not interested with money from blogging. It is visible from the first look and quality of your blog itself.
In other word, then what was the necessity of Windows 7 session their? lots of people using linux or ubundu than windows including me..
Criticism is simple but constructive criticism is little difficult to made because of the requirement of thinking power.
Have a practice of think from others perspective than self.
Best wishes, Sherin
Dear Sherin,
Thank you one and all for the same.
Yes I am not interested in making money on my blog right now. May be in future I would be and I may look at it more than a hobby. may be I will make some money too and I know where to find you to seek some cool advice. But as of now I am not interested.
By stating that money shouldn't be the primary objective I mean that it can be the secondary one after the love of writing. I believe this is the secret of staying alive online for a long period of time and keep your creative juices flowing. Money comes second, always. The objective and the passion would reflect on one's content and writing.
The motivation of having a blog is different for many. Some of them are more oriented for money, while some are not. I belog to the latter and I know that this tribe has a smaller membership. I don't know when I will migrate to the former group. If I do that would be a real change.
Here is my question to all the bloggers out there:Do you think money is important for a blogger? Is money the sole motivation? If yes tell me why? If no tell me why too. I would like to see how long will which of them would last longer.
Thanks once again for the comments. Waiting for more. It is a pleasure.
Hi Arif,
Its a pleasure to find one from the Alma mater. Thanks for the comment and I remember you from the cool hair style. Keep going.
May be we can catch up sometime on 7th cross bakery
(shridevi bakery, most famoue bakery of our area, the only provider of Ginger tea in the area :) )
you can drop me an email @
Sure anytime Arif. Am at present out of town will get in touch with you once am back in Bangalore.
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