Google+ Positive Psychologist: How to elevate our consciousness


Sunday, May 26, 2013

How to elevate our consciousness

My friend Pooja posted this on her facebook profile and it makes a lot of sense. Read on...

What would help to elevate our consciousness and deepen our connection?
Here are a few basic and effective pointers:
  1. A proper diet. Our food influences our mind. The Jain tradition has done much research on the effect of food on the mind. Ayurveda and Chinese systems and many other native systems the world over have recognized the effect of food on the psyche. Modern science confirms that food can have a direct bearing on our emotions. Emotionally disturbed children tend to eat more and suffer from obesity. A properly balanced diet has a positive impact on our emotions and thereby on our consciousness.
  2. Light to moderate exercise
  3. Panchakarma. In the ancient medical system of Ayurveda, there is a process of internal cleansing called panchakarma that involves massages, a prescribed diet and cleansing. This has helped thousands of people to come out of stress and behavioral disorders and is also a curative for many illnesses
  4. Yoga, Pranayama and meditation. These are extremely vital to induce a sense of respect for one’s own body and the environment. They help to maintain a toxin-free system and thereby reduce the occurrence of emotional disturbances
  5. Music and dance. These can bring rhythm and harmony in the body-mind complex; especially music that is not too loud and violent. Music that is soothing and creates a gentle sway and rhythm in one’s system, like folk and classical music
  6. Nature. Spending time in nature, observing silence and engaging in prayer is very congenial for helping us to reflect on our own mind
  7. Service to the less fortunate

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