Google+ Positive Psychologist: A complete life


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

A complete life

I was out, for long, from blogging and here I am... back. For the last 2 weeks I was busy and could come online much as I was shifting base from Bangalore to Kozhikode, Kerala where I am working now. New place, people and work dominated my preferences and availability. Now that everything is almost in order I can spend sometime here too. My posts might not be that frequent as they used to be but I promise my contribution will be on the rise as it always was.

Life gives us many opportunities to change, mould, reinvent ourselves to be better than what we were. These are usually seen as challenges, hurdles and bumps on our smooth road of life. We hate God for bringing all these 'troubles' to our otherwise calm life. We get upset and start complaining all the time. I guess we need to relax and let things go and work towards making them work. When you dive deeper into the ocean and swim up the thrust would be more powerful and hence the distance covered is extremely good too. So just keep your calm and tell ourself that this is an opportunity that you have been waiting for and try to do your best... to win.
For life's an experience God's children go through
That's made up of gladness and much sadness too...
But we have to know both the bitter and the sweet
If we want a good life that is full and complete!
--- (H.S. Rice)

Coming back to life at Kozhikode few things you might like...
  • It rains... all the time. Umbrella is an accessory
  • It is very hot (I am missing Bangalore already)
  • Beach is great (yet to see a sunset there)
  • Food is *&#$... yes $ means expensive! Have to get used to the coconut oil though
  • For once I felt top of the food chain (More in my next post)
  • People are friendly
  • Autos are cheap(Yes I am comparing to Bangalore, Hyderabad & Chennai)
  • Work is great :)
Well that's all for now. Good luck and wish me some too.


Unknown said...

welcome back to the world of blogging.

MJ said...

All the best !!!

Roshmi Sinha said...

Welcome back and All the Best!!!

Unknown said...

Thanks Ramnik Sir.

Hoping to post more frequently.

Unknown said...

Hey MJ,

Thank Q.

Unknown said...

Hi Roshini,

:) Thank Q
